10 Things I Have Learned While Living In Michigan
Living in Michigan has taught me a lot.
There are plenty of things and traits of being a Michigander that I have not learned yet.
However, here are 10 of the most important things I have learned while living in Michigan.
1. If you drive the speed limit, you are going too slow.
Whether you are driving on I-96 and 131, if you go anywhere close to 70 miles per hour, you are going absolutely too slow.
When I first moved here, I would drive 72 mph tops. I would always have cars passing me by while honking at me. I was always so confused.
Now, since I have officially become a Michigan resident, I go at least 80 mph at all times. GRPD, you did not see that at all. 😉
2. The lake effect is something lethal.
As someone who lives and thrives in summer climates, I am dreading the soon-to-be winter weather.
Even now, I have a heater that is constantly going in the studio, just to keep me warm from the A/C in the studio.
I cannot imagine how it will be once the winter weather really starts to attack West Michigan.
This will be me.
3. Are you sick? Drink some Vernors. You'll be fine.
Have a cough or simply feeling a little icky?
No need for cough syrup or cough drops. Michiganders will simply tell you to drink Vernors.
Also, take note. Do not be like me and think that Canada Dry is the same as Vernors. It will not go well for you, trust me!
4. If you don't live in the UP, you are considered a "troll."
Yes, you are a troll.
Do you get it?
Anyone who lives under the Mackinac Bridge is considered a troll because trolls live under bridges.
All I can think of is that I consider myself as this specific troll.
5. Express your condolences at all times for the "faithful" Detroit Lions fans.
Let's take a moment of silence for all Detroit Lion fans.
I watched one game this season and it made me so sad for everyone.
However, I love the commitment. Maybe one day, they will finally be a great team...
6. OPE! Sorry for the long article
OPE! The sound that you make when you are surprised or sorry.
I never noticed it until someone pointed it out to me.
It does make sense that people want to share their niceties since we are so close to Canada.
7. What the heck is a "Michigan left?"
Big Joe & Laura helped me figure out what a Michigan left is.
Since I live in downtown Grand Rapids, I have experienced and seen the cause and effects of "Michigan Left."
Not being able to turn left and having to drive to the next street is quite annoying. Clearly, people are not a fan.
8. Pasties, Anyone?
Not pasties for women, ya nasty!
Pasties are essentially just meat patties. However, Michiganders go crazy for them.
It is my mission to find a place that sells them to see what the hype is about.
9. POP vs SODA
As an East Coast girlie/Midwest transplant, I simply cannot call it pop. I respect the commitment though.
I think this will end the long battle between the pop versus soda debate.
All of Vernors' social media has the word soda on their handles.
Thank you for your time.
10. Michiganders use their hand and point where they are from on it.
I am officially a Michigander! I can point to where I live!
Michigan Left Signs by CBessert / CC BY-SA 2.5 (No Changes Made)
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