Chalkboards, Caillou, Vacuums – Steve’s Daddy Tips (7-15-20)
Everyone hates the show Caillou and Steve finally had to watch it with his daughter. Now he has banned it from the house and suggests you do the same!
- Today’s first Daddy Tip is a cool gift you can get your little one that will help them learn and have fun. If you don’t have one in your home already, you need to get your toddler a chalkboard and some chalk. We got Charlotte this cool little easel that has a chalkboard on one end and a dry erase board on the other and we’ve had all sorts of fun with her making drawings, learning shapes, and counting. You can pick one up at any box store for about $30 and up.
- The next Daddy Tip of the week is to never ever ever let your kid watch Caillou. That is the most garbage show of all time and I will never show it to my kids again. Seriously, Caillou is such a whiny little brat that I swear that show teaches kids bad behavior. Ugh, Caillou, the circus is tomorrow. And Caillou is always acting like a little turd. Just play with your dang sister! Jeez, you’d think he’d learn after 96 episodes how to be nice to other people.
- And the finally Daddy Tip of the week is to encourage your toddler to have a healthy fear of the vacuum cleaner. Now, this might seem a little mean, but it’s a great way to make sure you can vacuum the whole house while making sure your toddler behaves themselves. I always tell Charlotte that the vacuum is scary so she will hide under the blankets on the couch while I vacuum. That way I can do the whole house and don’t have to worry about her because she just hides in plain sight the whole time.
And now it’s time for an awesome Dad Joke!
Q: How does a duck learn to fly?
A: They wing it!
Listen to the entire segment below:
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