You'll probably know most of them!

Merriam-Webster is adding over 150 words to the newest edition of its "Collegiate Dictionary".  And as usual, things that have to do with technology and the internet tend to dominate.  Here are the top 13 new internet and tech words . . .

1. Hashtag.

2.  Selfie.  In November, the Oxford English Dictionary named "selfie" the Word of the Year.  Although Webster's went with "science".)

3. Hot spot . . . as in a WiFi hot spot.

4.  Big data.  Which they define as, quote, "an accumulation of data that is too large and complex for processing by traditional database management tools."

5.  Auto-Tune.

6.  Crowdfunding . . . when you raise money through websites like Kickstarter.

7.  Dubstep.  That's the electronic music that pretty much requires a computer to create.

8.  E-waste . . . which is anything tech-related that you throw away.

9.  Social networking.

10.  Tweep . . . a person who uses Twitter.

11.  Catfish . . . as in someone "catfishes" you online, and pretends to be someone they're not.

12.  Fangirl.  Obviously it's the female version of fanboy.  As in, a girl who's WAY too into something.  They're both kind of an online phenomenon.

13.  Spoiler alert.



But there are actually a few words that DON'T deal directly with technology and the internet. The top seven are:

1.  Baby bump.

2.  Fracking.

3.  Freegan.  That's, quote, "an activist who scavenges for free food . . . as in waste receptacles at stores and restaurants . . . as a means of reducing consumption of resources."

4.  Gamification . . . where you add game elements to something that ISN'T a game to make more people interested in it.

5.  Steampunk . . . which is, quote, "science fiction dealing with 19th-century societies dominated by historical or imagined steam-powered technology."

6.  Turducken . . . "a boneless chicken stuffed into a boneless duck stuffed into a boneless turkey."

7.  Yooper . . . a native of Michigan's Upper Peninsula.


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