Find Out What City You Should Live In Based On Your Candle Preference [Quiz]
Curtis has found himself another Buzzfeed Quiz for everyone to take and this time he was NOT HAPPY with his results! The quiz claims to be able to tell you which city you should live in based on what candle smells you like!
A few weeks ago we took a quiz that would predict our age based on our candle smell preferences and the answers weren't that good...
But' let's see how this quiz did, here are our results:
Connie got: Miami, Florida
Connie was quite happy with her answer!
Curtis got: Madison, Wisconsin
Curtis basically says "Been there, done that, no need to do it again!"
Steve got: Madison, Wisconsin
Steve would love to live in Madison, college towns are kinda his thing...
Now it's time for you to take the quiz and post your results in the comments!