Fire At Plant In Greenville Takes 10 Fire Dept To Help Fight
The Keystone Automotive plant near Greenville is a total loss after a fire started around 10:30 pm on Saturday night. WOODTV reported at 3 am this morning that 10 fire departments were battling the blaze. They say the fire was burning so hot, there was little they could do to stop it. The roof apparently had already collapsed before firefighters could arrive on the scene.
WOODTV says no one was believed to be in the factory which is located south of Peck Road on Vining Road in Montcalm township.
Because of its rural location, there aren't many fire hydrants, so they had to set up pumping stations to be able to refill the fire trucks. WOODTV reports that beyond the 10 agencies on scene, two more were put on standby to help cover the empty firehouses.
Montcalm Township Fire Chief Clif Dickinson said they're trying to "surround and drown" the fire because it's burning so hot. The plant refurbished plastic car parts for LKQ Corp. according to WOODTV.
Chief Dickinson said they'd probably be fighting this fire for a couple of days.