I have so many questions.

A recent post on the Grand Rapids subreddit sent me down a Google reviews rabbit hole and... um... sure.

👇20+ Michigan Strip Club Review to Make You Laugh👇

The review was for Parkway Tropics, a self-proclaimed "gentleman's club" on the west side of Grand Rapids.

Parkway is well-known in the city, and gentlemen do enjoy their time there. But, this Google review from ten months ago leaves me with so many questions - mostly, how did this reviewer get so confused?

Gentleman's Clubs in Grand Rapids

For the record, Grand Rapids doesn't have a lot of gentleman's clubs to begin with. Grand Rapids passed a ban on fully nude dancers being allowed in them back in the early 2000s. Since then, many of the establishments within the city have closed their doors with only two remaining - Parkway Tropics and Dames N' Games (formerly Showgirls). But, the entertainers at those establishments wear bikinis.

Is Parkway Tropics in Grand Rapids a Place for Kids?

Ummm... no. It's most definitely not. But that's why this review caught my eye.

It starts out talking about how the reviewer took their son their for their birthday - which I guess I can see - a rite of passage and whatnot...

We were there to celebrate my son's birthday. We are from out of town...

But then...

We didn't have enough kids to invite for an official party even though that's all he asked for for his birthday. The staff was friendly and helpful in making his birthday special. We ordered their cake and were excited to find out that they deliver them personally even if you didn't schedule a party.

I've not BEEN to Parkway, but I don't think that they serve cake... Maybe I missed that memo?

The more you read through the review, the more you realize that this was 100% a child's birthday party and this person is just reviewing the wrong place.

If there was anything I didn't like, it was the small toddler moving skeeballs balls around.

And then there's additional commentary about how they take photos of the family together when they go in so that the child has to be pictured with you in the photo they have on file in order to leave with you.

All of that said, this likely WAS an honest mistake, but the review remains. I appreciate the response from Parkway,

Ok... this is awkward....

Is anyone going to tell him?!? I kind of hope they don't...

And this isn't the only funny/out-of-place Michigan strip club review out there! Check these out:

28 Funny Michigan Strip Club Reviews to Make You Laugh

The review sections on Google can often provide great entertainment depending on the topic. Check out these 28 funny reviews of strip clubs in Michigan.

Gallery Credit: Eric Nopanen via Unsplash


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