Tabletop Gamers Have a New Hobby Haven in Downtown Allegan
Nerds, rejoice! And I use the term "nerd" lovingly as I count myself among them. Tabletop gamers, RPGs, and hobby enthusiasts have a new home base in downtown Allegan. Hoard of the Dragon is a new gaming and hobby store that recently opened its doors for business in downtown Allegan at 211 ½ Trowbridge Street behind the old Regent Theatre.

The small retail space is attached to the old movie theatre in what once housed the Regent Arcade. The former arcade was a project between the City of Allegan and Small Town Amusements LLC, but did not bring in any revenue to the city. The Allegan County News quotes the city council as stating, "the prospect of lessening the
annual deficit for the Regent Theater makes financial sense."
Having recently celebrated their grand opening, Hoard of the Dragon is open for business Monday through Thursday from 1:00-7:00 p.m. and 1:00-8:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and sells, "board and tabletop games, tabletop RPG's, and hobby supplies for tabletop gaming."
Upon first approaching the Allegan City Council with their proposed business plan, the new owners stated,
We are confident that there is a market for this kind of offering in the area, and because of the continued growth of Downtown Allegan, we want to open our business there.
Downtown Allegan has certainly become a new "Nerd Haven" for gamers and comic book fans alike. Just earlier this year Grand Rapids-based comic shop Tardy's Collector's Corner opened a secondary location in Allegan. Tardy's Underground Comics & Collectibles is located across from the Regent Theatre and now Hoard of the Dragon has complimentary offerings mere steps away. It's a good time to be a geek in Allegan! And again, I use that as a term of endearment.
As for the Regent Arcade, it is still in operation at its new location down the road at the corner of Trowbridge and Locust streets.
Grand Opening of Tardy's Underground in Allegan
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