Is The Former Toys“R”Us Store on 28th Street Haunted?
All the Toys“R”Us stores closed on Friday, June 29th, but I'm not so sure everyone got the memo... like the ghost currently haunting the old store on 28th street in GR.
Seriously, something is going on there.
Wednesday night (July 4th), I drove by to get some food and noticed something flashing in the store. It seemed weird, but only because the store had closed and it was a holiday; were people really still cleaning out the store?
After I ate, I drove back by and noticed the lights were still flashing, so we pulled in the parking lot and that's when we noticed it was all the checkout lights (the signs that says what lane number) flashing in a random sequence... without ANYONE around!
Creepy AF!
I posted the video to my Snapchat and Instagram story and almost immediately got a message reading "No joke. People say that Toys R Us is hella haunted..." Which I completely believe - especially after seeing the lights flashing inside.
What do you think? Haunted? Or was this a feature the stores had for birthday parties or the millionth customer or something??
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