Job Fair Today Filling 200 Positions for Over 80 Companies
If you or someone you know needs a job, a better one, or maybe a second one just for some extra cash, you can end your day employed.
Express Employment Professionals of Grand Rapids (Express Pros) are hosting a job fair today and are hoping to fill 200 positions for over 80 companies throughout West Michigan. It's a walk-in meaning you can just show up and interview on the spot, and potentially leave with a job.
The job fair is being held at their offices from 10a-3p at 1760 44th St. SW. and you can stop in at any time.
A variety of positions are available including:
- Machine operator
- Forklift Driver
- Electricity Assembly
- Upholstery
- Warehouse Worker
- so many more!
Pay ranges from $12-$18/hr and all shifts are available.
Get more info on their Facebook event page.