Little Moments, Troublemakers, and Diapers – Steve’s Daddy Tips (8-21-19)
Hi, I’m Steve and I’m a new Dad who has learned a lot of things over the last several months and I want to pass along some knowledge to you!
Each week I will be giving you some new tips for first-time parents and one spectacular Dad joke! So let's get to the tips!
- Today’s first Daddy Tip is to be sure to be enjoying the little moments of accomplishment that you get when raising your kid. You know, the things that no one ever points out, but you know are awesome. Like when you’re changing a diaper and you get it perfectly centered on your baby. Or when your kid trips and falls and but you do some acrobatic move and catch them. Or even when your little one throws something at you and you make an insane catch that no one would have believed. People may not see you do these little things, but you should be giving yourself props anyway.
- The next Daddy Tip is to be aware that your little one probably acts completely differently when you aren’t around. Charlotte has become a bit of a troublemaker at home, chasing the animals around with her stroller, throwing her toys, and throwing mini tantrums when she gets something taken away from her. That’s why my wife and I were completely shocked when the daycare told us that she is the most well-behaved kid in her classroom. Huh? Teacher’s pet much, Charlotte?
- And the final Daddy Tip of the week is to always bring a change of diapers when you are going out, no matter how short the trip is. Charlotte seems to always seem to know when we don’t bring a change of diapers and makes us pay. In the last 2 weeks, we’ve been out with her a lot but, of course, the two times I thought I was just running up to the store for a few minutes with her, she has to make a poopy. And since those things smell, you need to end your trip out, turn around and take care of it. So, don’t press your luck like I did and be sure to always bring that extra diaper or two.
And now it’s time for an awesome Dad Joke!
I regret rubbing ketchup in my eyes...
But, that’s Heinz sight for you.
Listen to the entire clip below: