Whether you drive all over the state or stick around your neighborhood, knowing where to find the best gas stations is one of the most valuable pieces of information you can have. Maybe you have a favorite chain, or just a specific station that always has the best prices- we all have our opinion on where we fuel up and grab snacks when we are on the road.

That's why Freebets.com reached out to 2,500 Americans to see what they said the best gas station chain in their state was, and the one Michigan picked is a little surprising.

⬇️ Check Out: Apps To Help You Save Money at the Pump! ⛽️ ⬇️

I travel all over the state with my husband to see concerts and visit local attractions, and we have some pretty passionate opinions on which are our favorites. (Shout out to all Johnny's Market locations, and the awesome J&H in Coopersville just off I-96, we love you.) But, neither of those made the top of the list of gas stations that Michiganders love.

What is Michigan's favorite gas station chain?

According to the survey, Michigan loves the convenience stores of Speedway. (like their jingle used to go.)

Speedway, gas station, michigan
Getty Images

While I get it for their fantastic roller snack selection and great rewards programs (reasons we listed it as our favorite) it still feels like it is just the "extra" choice compared to some of the more local chains that shine.

No matter who you're loyal to, you probably want to save at the pump...

Here Are The Best Gas Apps To Help You Spend Less At The Pump

Everyone likes saving a few bucks at the pump. Here are the apps that can help do just that with all these high rising gas prices, that are probably out there killing not only you but your wallet.

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