Michigan Identifies ‘Lowest Achieving’ Schools
The Michigan Department of Education has announced that 98 schools have been identified as "Persistently Lowest Achieving Schools". All schools on the list are required to develop and implement redesign plans approved by the Michigan Department of Education.
The list includes one school in Grand Rapids.
Grand Rapids Public Schools' Union High School has been identified as a persistently lowest achieving school. Union High School was also on the list in 2010. Every school on the list must choose from one of the following models:
Transformational Model
- develop teacher and school leader effectiveness, includes replacing the principal who led the school prior to commencement of the transformational model
- implement comprehensive instructional reform strategies
- extend learning and teacher planning time, and create community-oriented schools
- provide operating flexibility and sustained support.
Turnaround Model
- This would include among other actions, replacing the principal and at least 50 percent of the school's staff, adopting a new governance structure and implementing a new or revised instructional program.
Restart Model
- School districts would close the school and reopen it under the management of a charter school operator; a charter management organization; or an educational management organization selected through a rigorous review process. A restart school would be required to enroll, within the grades it
serves, any former student who wishes to attend.
School Closure
- The district would close a failing school and enroll the students who attended that school in other high-achieving schools in the district.