Could Michigan Be Getting Rid Of The Controversial ‘A – F’ School Ranking System?
We grade our students with letters ranging from A-F, so why wouldn't we rank our schools that way? I'm sure that's what the folks in charge thought when they originally passed Michigan's school grading system.
But, the controversial A through F school grading system that was put into place in 2018 here in Michigan could be going away soon.
What is Michigan's A-F School Grading System?
According to the state, the system assigns each public school in Michigan letter grades and ranking labels, based on the school's annual performance in up to eight areas as passed by Michigan Public Act 601 back in 2018.
The idea is for it to be easy for parents to know how their child's school is doing compared to others in the state, and where they need improvements.
Why do people want to get rid of the school grading system in Michigan?
There are several reasons it seems those opposed to this law may be trying to roll it back. One of them being the way it was passed, in the middle of the night by a lame duck house back in 2018. Many people argue that the bill was snuck under the wire, and didn't represent the voters in the state's actual wishes.
Others argue that the bill itself is too confusing and harmful to schools, causing more problems rather than solving them for parents.
That's why the Michigan House voted Tuesday to ditch an A–F letter grade system for overall academic performance of K-12 public schools. The bill, which was approved by a 63-45 vote in the House, would eliminate both the statewide system that assigns letter grades and rankings to public school.
Rep. Matt Koleszar, the Plymouth Democrat and former teacher who sponsored the bill, said he thinks that the grading system is like a 'confusing, incomplete piece of homework' he'd expected from a student rushing to make deadline.
What will take the systems place? That's yet to be determined however, lawmakers feel repealing the harmful system in place is the first step before finding a solution.