Four In Ten People In Michigan’s Most Obese City Are Overweight
For most of my life, I've been obese. It started in middle school and got really out of control once I got a car and had a job to spend money on fast food and junk food.
At the begging of 2022, I started focusing on eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis after I stepped on the scale and was at my highest weight ever 427.4 lbs. Since then I've been able to drop 105 lbs so far. But as many obese people know losing weight can be a lifelong battle.
Four In Ten People In Michigan's Most Obese City Are Overweight
According to, the mitten state is consistently ranked among the top 10 to 15 most obese states in the United States. Three out of every 10 adults in Michigan (35.2 percent) are obese, while 34.6 percent are overweight.
What Are The Most Obese Cities In Each State?
24/7 Wall Street reviewed health data from the 2022 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute joint program, to identify the most obese metro areas in every state
The Most Obese Cities In The Midwest
-Adults who are obese: 39.1% (state: 31.5%)
-Adults with diabetes: 11.1% (state: 10.0%)
-Adults who don’t exercise: 31.1% (state: 25.1%)
-Adults who report poor or fair health: 21.2% (state: 17.1%)
-Adults who get <7 hours of sleep a night: 36.4% (state: 33.5%)
-Adults who are obese: 39.0% (state: 35.4%)
-Adults with diabetes: 11.8% (state: 11.1%)
-Adults who don’t exercise: 31.6% (state: 30.6%)
-Adults who report poor or fair health: 22.1% (state: 18.9%)
-Adults who get <7 hours of sleep a night: 38.3% (state: 38.0%)
-Adults who are obese: 40.8% (state: 34.6%)
-Adults with diabetes: 11.5% (state: 10.3%)
-Adults who don’t exercise: 30.8% (state: 27.6%)
-Adults who report poor or fair health: 21.8% (state: 18.1%)
-Adults who get <7 hours of sleep a night: 42.7% (state: 40.6%)
-Adults who are obese: 37.0% (state: 34.3%)
-Adults with diabetes: 7.8% (state: 7.4%)
-Adults who don’t exercise: 24.2% (state: 22.3%)
-Adults who report poor or fair health: 14.0% (state: 15.0%)
-Adults who get <7 hours of sleep a night: 34.1% (state: 32.7%)
What City Is The Most Obese In Michigan?
-Adults who are obese: 41.7% (state: 35.8%)
-Adults with diabetes: 11.1% (state: 9.5%)
-Adults who don’t exercise: 27.1% (state: 24.6%)
-Adults who report poor or fair health: 20.1% (state: 18.2%)
-Adults who get <7 hours of sleep a night: 40.2% (state: 40.4%)
You can see the most obese city in every state by clicking here