Think Spring Forward: 6 Plants And Flowers Should You Should Plant This Fall in Michigan
It's the first of fall, so you're probably excited about crunchy leaves, flannel, and pumpkin spiced EVERYTHING.
But, if you want to enjoy spring when it rolls around in six months, you need to be springing forward in your yard or garden by planting these plants before fall is over, so they'll be ready to shine when those April showers bring May flowers.
This plant is so West Michigan that the city of Holland has an entire festival dedicated to them.
These beautiful flowers need a cold period to rest before they bloom, so if you want your own Tulips next spring, they need to be planted now.
These flowers are some of the most unique looking, and you probably see a lot of them around West Michigan in the spring.
Like the tulip, these beauties also have to do some time in the ground to chill out before the bloom for spring so go ahead and get yours set now, and if you take good care of them they'll last multiple years since they are a perennial.
These flowers are less popular, but I can't tell you why. They look like they're made of tissue paper!
These flowers will make you a unique star in your neighborhood, and they take all winter to get ready for their show, so make sure you get them in the ground soon.
These little plants need space and time to bloom, but once they're established in the spring, they are troopers that keep going with little care.
You may want to plant these in the earlier part of fall so you can water them a lot before the freezes come, but they're a great addition to your "set it and forget" fall garden plan.
You may assume it's best to plant grass in the early spring as everything de-frosts, but your best bet for ensuring your lawn looks great in the early part of summer is working ahead the year before.
You probably don't want to do this early in the fall season, because the seeds can be easily moved by rain. It's best to wait until a dryer near end of fall time to plant for your best success chance.
Trees and Bushes you want to be pretty for spring/next summer.
Yes, you can plant pre-started trees and bushes any time of year, but you might as well take advantage of their hardiness and get head.
Trees and bushes can still grow safely in the cooler winter months, so give yourself the head start and plant them now instead of waiting until next year and having babies all summer long.
Good luck on your gardening efforts this fall, and be happy when your work now makes your spring beautiful and easy.
And while you're at it... here are plants that will keep Deer out of your yard
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