When I found out Panic! At The Disco's Brendon Urie would be coming to visit PopCrush HQ, I had a thought: Say, why are we going to sit around and talk about ~relevant~ things — like his latest studio album Death of a Bachelor, his cameo onstage with Halsey at Coachella and his upcoming summer tour with Weezer that kicks off in June — when we could be cooking tiny, tiny cheeseburgers and fries together?

Evidently he did not realize how serious I was about this, and that dream is now a beautiful, yummy reality.

Together, Brendon and I carefully "cooked" our "delicious" Yummy Nummies Make-A-Meal Fun Sets that has inspired a brand new cooking franchise on PopCrush: PopChefs.

Was it fun? Clearly! Was it edible? I'm alive and, as far as I know, so is Brendon. Was it a delicious meal? Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, alright?

While we're on the subject, Brendon joined us on our Some Like It Pop podcast to discuss the Yummy Nummies experience — and yes, all the actual music-related things he's doing, too. Enjoy!

Oh right, and Brendon: Next time you're in town, I'm totally down to tackle the Candy Sushi kit if you are.

Stars Who Double as Chefs:

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