As a parent, nothing is more important than my children's safety. That's why I'm so excited about a new bill in Michigan that could make our roads safer and benefit our schools. If signed into law by Governor Whitmer, this bill would direct fines from drivers who illegally pass stopped school buses back to the affected school districts.

It's infuriating and dangerous to see cars speed past stopped school buses. In Michigan, these drivers face fines of $100 to $500. Under this new law, these fines would go towards improving transportation safety in the very districts where the violations occur. This is a win-win for our schools.

Stop Sign on School Bus

One way this funding could be used is for bus cameras. These cameras would catch drivers who recklessly ignore flashing lights and stop arms, holding them accountable and providing evidence for issuing tickets.

Transportation staff are often overlooked in discussions about school funding, but they play a crucial role in keeping our kids safe. This law would give districts the tools they need to better protect students on their way to and from school.


For too long, funding has focused on teachers and administrators. But transportation staff are equally important. Giving schools the ability to improve bus safety is a step in the right direction. This law would not only punish reckless drivers, but also send a strong message that we're committed to keeping our kids safe.

This isn't just another traffic law; it's an investment in our communities. I'm excited to see what this means for Michigan families.

Dumb Michigan Laws

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