
West MI Wants to Garden Naked
West MI Wants to Garden Naked
West MI Wants to Garden Naked
Okay now while I can't speak on behalf of all West Michigan, a good portion of people from the region are at least interested in the idea. With World Naked Gardening Day (yes, this is a thing) approaching, looked at google trends between March 15 and May 15, 2016...
EA Sports Has Absolutely No Idea What Michigan Looks Like
EA Sports Has Absolutely No Idea What Michigan Looks Like
EA Sports Has Absolutely No Idea What Michigan Looks Like
Michigan always seems like it's getting the short end of the stick when it comes to intentionally inaccurate maps.  For some reason, when games or websites decide to use a map of the United States they tend to create their own and they are usually pretty bad representations of our nation...
Most Googled Questions
Most Googled Questions
Most Googled Questions
Google is the answer to everything! Whenever you have a question or need to know something really quick, you immediately go to Google. When's the next season of 'The Bachelor'? - Google. How do you poach an egg? - Google. What's 2 divided by 2...