
Sandy Hook's Lessons
Sandy Hook's Lessons
Sandy Hook's Lessons
The mother of one of the 26 victims of 2012's Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre has written a powerful letter to the teachers of America. Nebla Marquez-Greene had two children attending Sandy Hook Elementary that day. Her daughter, 6-year-old Ana Grace, was killed in the Connecticut massacre, and her son was uninjured in the attack. Her letter, which was posted on the Education Week website
‘Let It Go’ – The Mom Version [Video]
‘Let It Go’ – The Mom Version [Video]
‘Let It Go’ – The Mom Version [Video]
Disney's Frozen has been receiving incredible reviews, and since its release, one of the hit songs from the movie "Let It Go" has been covered a ton of times. Monday, I shared an Ohio traffic reporter's version, in which he advised drivers "just don't go", and today, I've stumbled upon a mom's take on the hit song. I'm sure every mom in the world can relate to what she has to s
Let Your Baby Choose His Or Her Name With Baby Naming App!
Let Your Baby Choose His Or Her Name With Baby Naming App!
Let Your Baby Choose His Or Her Name With Baby Naming App!
Take the pressure off of picking the best name for your baby-to-be and let him or her choose from the womb?! According to there is a new iPhone app called 'Kick to Pick' and allows your unborn child to respond to a list of potential names you've been considering! Simply put the phone on your tummy and start counting either the punches and/or kicks to follow-- then tally that numbe
Mom Forces Son To Wear Sign Detailing His Bad Grades
Mom Forces Son To Wear Sign Detailing His Bad Grades
Mom Forces Son To Wear Sign Detailing His Bad Grades
15-year-old James Mond is being forced by his mother to stand on various Tampa, Florida street corners with a sign that details his poor GPA and bad score on an achievement test. The sign encourages motorists to "Honk if I need an education." Rhoda Holder says James will have to perform this task for a week, and believes her tough love will prevent her child from becoming a drop out. Psy
Puppy Mailing Mom Is Charged!
Puppy Mailing Mom Is Charged!
Puppy Mailing Mom Is Charged!
A Minnesota mom claims she innocently sent a puppy through the U.S. Postal service as a birthday gift to her son and had no intentions of hurting the pup! Needless to say, she will not get the 4-month old poodle mix back!! Check out the video of her day in court...
Flying With Small Children This Holiday Season? Here Are Some Tips
Flying With Small Children This Holiday Season? Here Are Some Tips
Flying With Small Children This Holiday Season? Here Are Some Tips
Travelling as an adult by yourself is hard enough, but if you add in an infant or toddler, the whole situation changes. From getting strollers checked in, to navigating your children around the airport, to dealing with TSA. Here are some pointers from the experts to make your holiday travel as easy as possible...