Look Inside the Most Expensive Home For Sale in Kent CountyLook Inside the Most Expensive Home For Sale in Kent CountyIf "riverfront luxury" sounds right up your alley (and you've got a few mill) - this could be your dream home!JannaJanna
With Caution You Can Once Again Enjoy The Thornapple RiverWith Caution You Can Once Again Enjoy The Thornapple RiverThe river is still moving fast, but definitely not as dangerous.Rob SparksRob Sparks
Barry County Sheriff Urges Citizens to Stay Off of the Thornapple RiverBarry County Sheriff Urges Citizens to Stay Off of the Thornapple RiverWith more rain Monday afternoon, it's even more important to head the Barry County Sheriff's warning.JannaJanna
Police Say Alcohol a Factor In The Pontoon Crash FridayPolice Say Alcohol a Factor In The Pontoon Crash FridayThree teens were injured in the accident. Rob SparksRob Sparks