The Mountain Dew label for Michigan’s U.P. is here!
YOOPERS UNITE! Mountain Dew came through over the weekend with the new label for the Upper Peninsula, after they accidentally gave it away to Wisconsin in their promotional material for their Dew United promotion.
The label includes the 906 area code as well as a snowmobiler along with the Mackinac Bridge and plenty of the U.P.’s outdoors.
@UpperPeninsula who helped get attention to the mistake and ultimately responsible for getting the label made tweeted out:
The Yoopers have spoken, I now have my own @MountainDew bottle.
The replies were plentiful and grateful to be included back with Michigan and for how much of the U.P. Mountain Dew incorporated in the bottle label:
so happy we are part of michigan again. est. 2019
Now THAT is some cool stuff, congrats UP!
Goes great with a pasty. Or two.
Of course, there were also questions about how the label read and if this meant the U.P. was its own state now:
Thus making you the fifty-first state! After all those years of trying, all it took was one @MountainDew screw up.
Simply "Upper Peninsula" and "Michigan", which kind of makes us sound like our own state :D
Does the @LowerPeninsula have their own bottle? Do you think you're better @UpperPeninsula !?
No matter what, Mountain Dew made a mistake and came through with a solid apology. And the U.P. got some national attention and their own keepsake. Win/Win.
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