The Secret to a Good First Date: Order the Same Food
The first date can be nerve-wrecking for a number of reasons but if you want to make things go smoothly and increase your chances of hitting it off with the other person and getting a second date there's a simple solution. Order the same meal.
Random, I know. But The Daily Mail says that a study from the University of Chicago found that when people ordered the same thing on a first date it built trust and collaboration.
The experiment paired groups of two strangers together to measure trust.
The group launched a series of experiments to understand if similar food consumption can spark a sense of closeness and trust between two people – whether love interests, friends or colleagues."
The results found that people who art the same thing had a better trust. Furthermore, another experiment was done pairing people against each other in a labor negotiation. The results found the same thing. The people who were eating the same thing were able to reach an agreement almost twice as fast than the people who weren't eating the same thing.
Overall, the results work not only in a dating situation but also if you're out for a business lunch or trying to impress someone - ordering the same thing helps build rapport.
'People tend to think that they use logic to make decisions, and they are largely unaware that food preferences can influence their thinking..."
If you want me to lIke you than have no shame in ordering that big messy burger.