The first date can be nerve-wrecking for a number of reasons but if you want to make things go smoothly and increase your chances of hitting it off with the other person and getting a second date there's a simple solution. Order the same meal...
First dates can always make a person nervous. You want to make the best first impression. Mix that with a poop story and you know you've got yourself a horror (and humorous) date story.
A woman from Toronto shared her story with the internet world, in a series of 18 tweets, and of course it's gone viral...
Do you remember your first date with your significant other? The first date is always the most exciting because you've got butterflies in your stomach, you're hoping everything goes well and you're getting to know the other person.
Even on their first date, Kim Kardashian & Kanye West went 'Big.'
As exciting as going on a first date can be, it can also be just as nerve-wracking.
A survey of 2,000 people found what men and women want to see on a first date, specifically at dinner, since most first dates include going out to eat...
Actress Reese Witherspoon set us all straight, if you will, about guys and their lack of interest in the shoes us girls wear in the movie Legally Blonde.
However, I have new scoop that suggests that guys do check us out from head to toe!
According to, there are a ga-gillion ways a first date can go wrong, but here are the top five things to watch out for to make sure you get a second chance!