@UpperPeninsula Is At It Again, This Time About Fall Colors
With the announcement of Pure Michigan being cut from the state budget, we should probably applaud @UpperPeninsula's latest attempt to get some attention.
The twitter account responsible for getting the U.P. its own Dew Nation label is now challenging Maine and Vermont when it comes to who has the most colorful fall.
@UpperPeninsula tweeted out Thursday night,
Home to the best fall colors in America. Fight me Maine.
and then followed it up with,
You too, Vermont.
So far it doesn't seem either state tourism group has responded, although plenty of people have called "shots fired" and tried to back up their respective state.
I have to say though, looking through the Twitter page for Vermont Tourism, their trees didn't look near as vibrant as ours do. Keep fighting the good fight @UpperPeninsula, after January we're going to need all the Pure Michigan attention you can get us.
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