US Army Found To Be Tricking Kids With Fake Giveaways On Twitch
The popular streaming platform Twtich.tv has forced the United States Army to stop tricking viewers with fake giveaways.
Last week, the US Army was found to be running fake contests and asking viewers to click a link for an chance to win an XBox Elite Series 2 controller. Instead of the link taking viewers to a contest page, it would instead send viewers to a recruitment page with no further mention of a contest. You only have to be 13 to have a Twitch account and the site's average user age is on the lower end, so many of the US Army's viewers would be of a young age.
The fake contests being run didn't initially catch the attention of Twitch, but after several prominent streamers tweeted about the shady practice, the contesting stopped on the US Army's esports channel.
Twitch told Kotaku in an email that "This promotion did not comply with our Terms, and we have required them to remove it."
These complaints come after a controversy earlier in the month involving the US Army esports channel banning users who asked about war crimes.

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