What Should The New Name Of The Connie & Fish Show Be? [Poll]
Christine has joined the show. Sadly, our dear sweet Connie is gone. So, the time seems has come to rename the show. The problem is, we can't really decide WHAT to call it, so we need your help.
You'd think that this would be an easy decision, but even after Fish drawing us SEVERAL diaphragms, we still haven't been able to figure out it.
So we thought, "who better to name the show than the Click of Six?" We came up with some names, management came up with some names, and now YOU can help us decide.
Here's the best part -- if you don't like any of our suggestions, you can go ahead and add your own. Place your vote (or make your suggestion) in the poll below now through Sunday, April 4 at 11:59 p.m. You can vote once per hour for the duration of the voting period.