Your Last Name Could Get You A Free Flight On Frontier
IF your last name is GREEN or GREENE, um, you need to hurry up and book a trip on Frontier Airlines!
Seriously, to announce their “Green Week” which they are using to highlight their “green” efforts, they’re giving anyone with the last name GREEN or GREENE a free round trip flight, if you book a flight that takes off August 13th.
According to their website, to claim your free trip you just have to:
Confirm that your last name is Green or Greene
Book a flight that departs on 8/13/19
Frontier will refund your trip!
See full terms and conditions below to see if you are eligible
So you have to leave sometime between Midnight and 11:59 pm on August 13, 2019, and you have to return by August 20th. You can also only use the free flight if your name is GREEN or GREENE. If your family members traveling with you don’t also share that last name, they’ll have to pay for their trip.
Get all the info and book your trip HERE.