They're lurking in the middle of the night, possibly on your street.


No one knows who they are, but they show up at 2 or 3am knocking on the door, waking you up.

Then, after they strike fear into your heart, they leave... beans on your porch?


Sure, it's not really the biggest crime on the planet or even in West Michigan, but Terry Finney and his family are trying to find out who the mysterious group they've dubbed "The Bean Boys" are.

When they moved into their home in Caledonia back in 2021, they got a surprise visit in the middle of the night that included a group of boys knocking loudly, then leaving a pile of kidney beans on their porch.

Courtesy of WZZM on Youtube
Courtesy of WZZM on Youtube

And every summer since, the bean boys have returned, leaving their weird bean present at 2-3am that Terry says is now staining their porch red.

The family also has two small children, and they say that the late night knocking is scaring them and waking them up, so while this may seem like a funny prank, they really just don't appreciate it happening summer after summer.

Why are the Bean Boys doing this? Well, it might be some kids trying to create their own version of the TikTok trend, Porch Beaning.

@bingbongasian Here’s a kid that poured beans on our front porch at 1:37 AM #fyp #foryou #dingdongditch ♬ Tounge Tied - Grouplove

So yes, we might laugh at how silly of a prank this is, it's probably isn't smart (or nice) to do, because technically if busted, you could get charged for property damage or disturbances by police.

So Bean Boys, you may want to knock it off before Caledonia gets it's own version of Bean Batman

Amazon / Canva
Amazon / Canva

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