Drink Up! Michigan Has the Cheapest Cases of Beer in Country
We already know Michigan is home to some of the best (if not the best) beer in America but not only that, we also have the cheapest beer!
A study done by Simple Thrifty Living found what the cost is for a case of beer in each state. They averaged it out based on a 24-pack of Bud Light and Miller Lite, since they're the most popular domestic beer. The researchers then selected 10 stores, with different zip codes, from each state.
The zip codes were a mix of urban and rural to make sure the data encompassed as much of the state as possible."
After looking at the prices and averaging them out by can, per state they found that Michigan is where you're going to find the cheapest case of beer with a 24-pack costing about $14.62.
Surprisingly, California ($14.87) and Illinois ($15) rounded off the top 3 for cheap beers.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is Pennsylvania where it costs on average $21.98 for a case of beer!
Obviously these numbers don't apply when you're buying craft beer but if you're having a party or playing beer pong, at least you know you're not getting ripped off for your case of Bud Light. Either way, this is a study to raise your glass to!
SOURCE: Detroit Free Press
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