Keep These Clean Air Tips in Mind as Summer Comes to a Close
It's important to keep our environment healthy, even though summer is almost over. The West Michigan Clean Air Coalition has some tips that will help as we head into back-to-school and Labor Day weekend.
While refueling your vehicle, please remember:
- To stop at the "click."Spilling even one ounce of gas that evaporates produces the same amount of pollution-producing emissions as driving your car 56 miles, and spilled gas means less money in your wallet.
- To wait until 6 pm or later, when it’s cooler.
Consider "trip chaining." You have a lot of things to do and a lot of errands to run, and now you have the added trip to take the kids to school or the bus stop. Consider combining school drop-off with running some of your other errands. Sure, it'll save you time, but it will also help keep the air clean. When you first start a car that's been sitting for over an hour, it pollutes up to five times more than when the engine's warm.
Carpool or use public transportation. Carpooling is a great way to save money AND help keep our air clean. If you're able, set up a carpool with other parents in your neighborhood for school drop-off, too. You can always take the Rapid or The MAX (in Holland) on Clean Air Action Days. (The Rapid is offering FREE rides on all fixed route buses on Clean Air Action Days this summer while funding is available. And, the MAX is also offering free rides on Clean Air Action Days on fixed-route buses between April 1 and October 31.)