Check Out The Most Delicious “All You Can Eat” buffet in Michigan
I don't know about you but I love from time to time to pig out at an all-you-can-eat buffet.
That's why I was excited to hear about one buffet that got some national recognition.
Before I share that great news with you let me first explain to the buffet skeptics why there so great.
What's So Great About All You Can Eat Buffets?
I love all-you-can-eat buffets for several reasons.
The first is the sense of value they offer, as a customer you can eat as much as you want for a fixed price. Plus if I try something and don't like it I can just toss it and get something new.
If I did that was a bunch of different meals I would run out of money fast.
Michigan's Most Delicious "All You Can Eat" Buffet
According to the online publication Mashed, Michigan's most delicious all-you-can-eat buffet is Fuji Japanese Buffet in Madison Heights, MI.
This is what Mashed said about Fuji Japanese Buffet.
Step through the doors and stop by the lobster tank to decide if you'd like to add a live lobster to the already wide-ranging buffet. Even if you say no to crustaceans, you'll have an aisle full of fresh fish to scoop in the sushi section alone. The selection of sea creatures runs as deep as the giant squid sleeps, slowly transitioning from fresh sushi to fried and steamed options with rows of oysters, mussels, crab legs, and peel-your-own crawfish. Fuji fills out its offerings with a decadent kimchi & seafood salad stand and a steamer station featuring chicken feet.
Michigan's First Japanese Seafood Buffet
Fuji Japanese Buffet in Madison Heights is Michigan's first Japanese Seafood Buffet.
I took a look at some of the food and it looks tasty!
What's your favorite all-you-can-eat-buffet in Michigan? Please share it with me