Study: Michigan is NOT the Best State for Beer-Lovers, Which One Is?
While we are the home of Beer City USA, apparently Michigan didn't top the list of best states for beer lovers. What gives?
We're the home of iconic brands such as Bells, Founders, New Holland and more. We've also had Beer City USA (Grand Rapids) as our official title for over a decade, since 2012. So, how is it possible for us not to be the best state for beer fans in the US?
Where does Michigan land for best beer states in the US?
Here's how the experts at Groupon broke down their rankings for the best states for beer lovers:
They looked at reams of publicly available data and proprietary Groupon data
calculated three metrics. They also considered the average score of the 5 best-tasting beers made in that state (quality), the average cost of a 12oz. beer in each state (affordability), and the number of beer-related Groupons sold in that state per 1,000 people (enthusiasm)
The number one state in the US for beer lovers broke down to being California. That seems like a stretch considering I could put them as more of a "wine" state. But, apparently they sell and cheer on their breweries more than we do here in the mitten state.
However, we weren't entirely snubbed. Michigan landed at number 3 on the list. We have the most affordable beers in the nation, but apparently we didn't sell enough groupons (We like to pay full price!) and we only ranked 13th in quality, which feels like a total lie.
They can say what they want, but I still think Michigan is made for beer lovers, and no study from a coupon website will tell me otherwise.
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