Middleville Is The Latest West Michigan Community To Legalize Marijuana Businesses
As small towns across the state are seeing the possibility of increased tax revenue in the cannabis business, another West Michigan town has decided to move forward with legalizing marijuana businesses.

For the past two years, Middleville residents have weighed in on the possibility of allowing marijuana retailers and growers to operate legally within the village. As reported by the Hastings Banner, the village council voted 6-1 to allow both the retail sale of Marijuana and allow the growing of marijuana in the village.
The ordinance will allow the retail sale of marijuana in industrially zoned areas, mostly along M-37, as part of the village's special land use codes. The facilities will not currently be permitted in the downtown zone.
The businesses will also be restricted from operating within 1000 feet of any church or place of worship, daycare, or school. The businesses will also be barred from operating any type of 'Drive-Thru' window service, and must operate between the hours of 9a-9p.
Those wishing to open a weed business within the village can complete the steps laid out by the village here: Middleville Marijuana Business Permit Application Instructions
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