This is both good and kind of a slap, but according to, Lion fans are the second most dateable group of fans in the NFL, only being beaten out by the L.A. (should still be STL) Rams.

So that’s the good news, if you love the Lions, then finding someone to love you should be easy.

The downside is, while ranked Lion fans as the second most dateable, it’s mainly because the Lions aren’t known to make it to the playoffs very often. While the study from the website didn’t go into details about what makes Lion fans more dateable, the fact they referenced the Rams haven’t made it to a playoff in a decade and the Patriots being #1 on the least dateable list, kind of explains it all.

But look at it this way, if you’re a Lions fan, you are more well-rounded because losing builds character and after so many down years, at least you know how to find the positive in a bleak situation.

And if you date a Lions fan, you know sooner than later, you’ll be able to once again enjoy Sunday Fundays way before Pats fans who usually don’t get Sundays back until the 2nd week of February. did ask other questions in their survey, which would have been awesome to be in the top 5 or even top 10 of, but alas, the Lions didn’t end up on any of the other “good” lists.  At least we have 2nd Most Dateable!


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