Record Low Temperatures Forecast For Tonight
Our first taste of the arctic air is here and it is bringing record low temperatures for November. Normally for November, the Grand Rapids area will reach the mid to upper 40s during the day and low to mid 30s at night, but this weather system is pushing cold air from the arctic right into West Michigan.
The forecast for today's temperatures are a high of only 23 degrees and a low of 14 degrees. If that forecast is correct, we will break a few records today. First we will break the record for the coldest high temperature for the day which was 27 degrees, set in 1940.
The bigger record that could be broken today is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Grand Rapids on November 12th. The record currently stands at 15 degrees, according to Wunderground's historical temperature tracker.
So, bundle up and get yourself through the day because we do have warmer temperatures starting on Thursday.
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