Residents on GR’s Westside, Police Need Help Finding This Guy
Police need your help finding someone and it’s shouldn’t be too terribly difficult, because his face tattoos make him fairly recognizable, quickly.
The Kent County Sheriff's office posted on Facebook, Thursday afternoon, that they’re working with the Michigan Department of Corrections, as well as the US Marshals Service to try to find a guy named Cordaryl Price. According to the Facebook post, he's got a list of things he's wanted on.
from the Kent County Sheriff's Office post,
We are asking for your help in locating Cordaryl Price (30), who has multiple felony arrest warrants for crimes related to assault, obstructing the police, stolen property, and parole absconding.
Police are asking for the public's help in finding him, more specifically they're hoping residents around Grand Rapids' westside might have some info on where they could find Cordaryl because they say he spends a fair amount of time in the westside area of Alpine Ave NW and Leonard St NW. They also say he's known to drive a red Dodge Caliber.
As you can see by his picture the KCS supplied in their Facebook post, Cordaryl is fairly recognizable because of the different tattoos he has on his face, and even neck. They also have that he's 6' 0" and weighs around 175lbs.
It always makes me wonder, why people who are trying to stay under the radar are sometimes the most recognizable or flashy? Bright colored cars, face tats, or even just posting all your dealings on social media... wasn't the idea from 'Ocean's 11', 12, and 13 to just blend in? Sorry, just thinking out loud here.
If you do happen to know where police can find Cordaryl, call them on one of the many ways they supplied in their post,
Please contact us at (616) 632-6357, send us a DM, call the U.S. Marshals hotline at (616) 456-2438, or submit an anonymous tip to Silent Observer at (616) 774-2345.

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