Finally we made it to SHARK WEEK! However, the week began with completely false information which some people are irritated about.

So, the Discovery channel launched everyone's favorite week of the summer: Shark Week! The week began with this documentary 'Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives' which was a fantastic documentary about an extinct shark. That part of the documentary was true. Scientists do believe that the shark existed anywhere from 1-2 MILLION years ago.

However, that's not why people are peeved. They're irritated because the Discovery channel said that the shark had been spotted this past April. Which is far from the truth.

When people figured out that the documentary was more of a 'Moc'-umentary they took to social media to yatch them out!

Well, Discovery hasn't responded however they probably don't care too much. The program was the most watched in Shark Week history.

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