Someone Planted Tomatoes in a Pothole in Detroit [Video]
LOL, that's one way to deal with the pothole problems in Michigan.
Some very clever residents decided to make use out of a giant pothole in the Corktown neighborhood by planting tomatoes inside of it and the funny thing is it's actually growing!
In the video below from FOX 2 Detroit, you can even see it growing through the sewer drain and being supported by a construction cone. And above it, is a construction sign covered in graffiti, which if you think about it this make-shift garden is a perfect representation of Detroit.
The tomatoes are clearly thriving and they look like they will be delicious in a salad. So if you're feeling hungry grab a tomato. Just make sure to wash it first...
Here's a thought... maybe next time we try planting a marijuana plant. Making pot out of potholes. Just throwing it out there ;-)