Downtown Market

Saturday’s Adventure Full of Cars & Food [Photos]
Saturday’s Adventure Full of Cars & Food [Photos]
Saturday’s Adventure Full of Cars & Food [Photos]
On Saturday, I was at Family Fare in Wyoming for a live remote and at the same time was the 28th Street Metro Cruise so I decided to stick around afterwards and check out some of the cars and indulge in some food truck food. There were lots of people and lots of different classic cars cruising up and down 28th Street and parked in the Rogers Plaza. But, of course, I had to begin my adventure with
My First Time at Downtown Market [Random Pictures Enclosed]
My First Time at Downtown Market [Random Pictures Enclosed]
My First Time at Downtown Market [Random Pictures Enclosed]
Ever since I moved here I've been hearing how awesome Downtown Market is and today I finally decided to go and I honestly don't know why it took me this long! It is so cool there! I went for the Vintage Street Market which was a variety of vendors displaying and selling antiques and vintage goods of all kinds...
Grand Rapids Praised By The New York Times
Grand Rapids Praised By The New York Times
Grand Rapids Praised By The New York Times
Grand Rapids has received a lot of national attention over the last couple of years. Of course, we're Beer City, USA, our residents starred in a lip dub video that went viral, Forbes Magazine named Grand Rapids the #1 city to raise a family, and now, The New York Times is praising Grand Rapids for its focus on food!