
Has Your Child Been Bullied?
Has Your Child Been Bullied?
Has Your Child Been Bullied?
Let’s start off with the actual definition of bullying from Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time...
Back-To-School Shopping Costs
Back-To-School Shopping Costs
Back-To-School Shopping Costs
We are in back-to-school season which means back-to-school shopping. It's time to get all the essentials so your kids are prepared and ready for the new school year. But do you find that its costing you more than expected? A survey, on over 1,700 parents, found that, on average, parents are spending around $246 on back-to-school shopping...
5 Chores That Could End a Relationship
5 Chores That Could End a Relationship
5 Chores That Could End a Relationship
You don't realize how the little things can add up and cause silly arguments with your significant other. But those silly arguments may not be so silly. If you're in a happy relationship and love your partner there are certain "household chores" that you want to avoid doing...
5 Ways to Get Through Monday
5 Ways to Get Through Monday
5 Ways to Get Through Monday
Monday. The least favorite day of the week because it's back to reality and time to get back into the swing of things. We've all suffered from "a case of the Mondays," but the question is how do you get through it so it isn't so dreadful...

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