
Why is There Half an Avocado on My Desk?! And Where Did it Come From?!
Why is There Half an Avocado on My Desk?! And Where Did it Come From?!
Why is There Half an Avocado on My Desk?! And Where Did it Come From?!
It's always a nice surprise when you walk into work and an unexpected gift is there for you. Flowers, a note, maybe a present. I don't know what you'd consider this but it was definitely unexpected... and very random. When I walked into my office this morning I was surprised to see this on my desk...
What the Hell Happened to My Other Shoe?!
What the Hell Happened to My Other Shoe?!
What the Hell Happened to My Other Shoe?!
The weirdest thing happened to me on Sunday when I went to the mall. So weird that I left the mall with one shoe. Obviously, I arrived there with both shoes on my feet but not so much when I left. I was at Nordstrom cuz I needed to buy makeup but because I have a shopping addiction, I of course made my way upstairs and decided to look around before the mall closed at 6...

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