As a millenial, there was nothing more exciting back in the 1990's than the Book it! program. If you weren't there, Pizza Hut restaurants would reward you with a free personal pan pizza for hitting a reading goal. I would dig through so many books just so I knew I'd get that little button and a promise of pizza. I always knew my parents would have to let us get Pizza since mine would be free.

While Pizza Hut has discontinued the program, one West Michigan restaurant group is now starting their version of it. Recently, my husband stopped off at one of our favorite places for breakfast, Real Food Cafe, and he spotted this on the counter.

Laura Hardy
Laura Hardy

The punch card promises West Michigan kiddos a free meal at any of the 4GR8 restaurants including Sundance, The Beltline Bar, Rockwell Republic and more. All they have to do is read 10 books, and return to the restaurant with these cards to redeem it.

Laura Hardy
Laura Hardy

This program is great and gives parents a little bit of leverage to get their kids to crack a book and do a little reading this summer instead of staying glued to screens.

Read More: Explore West Michigan With Youth Summer Lingo Bingo For Free Ice Cream!

While Pizza Hut may never bring back the free personal pan pizzas, at least this generation can learn to love reading with fun food rewards, just like we did as kids.

Why Millennial Parents are Better at Parenting than the Other Generations

Yes, I said it, and I will go ahead and hang out on this high horse. From Gentle parenting to just flat-out listening to kids, the Millennials have set a standard that can only get better.

Gallery Credit: Aly

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