TOO CUTE: Buddy’s Delivered Pizzas to the Animals at Detroit Zoo
It was 75 years ago when Buddy's Pizza changed up the pizza game.
Buddy's first opened their doors 75 years ago and the originators of the Detroit-style pizza have been celebrating all week. One of those ways was to feed the adorable animals at the Detroit Zoo.
Bears, wolves, and arctic foxes all received a special lunch delivery for them to chow down on. The pizzas were pre-approved by the zoo staff to accommodate with what they can and cannot have. The bears had a fish and fruit pizza along with a salad with cranberries and walnuts, which totally sounds like something I'd eat. The wolves got to eat one of everyones favorites -- a meat lovers pizza -- and the foxes received meat and fruit on theirs.
Buddy's posted pictures of the animals either biting or licking the pizza boxes.
How cute are they?! The Detroit Free Press actually got to visit and even more pictures you'll love here.
It's no surprise Buddy's decided to feed their furry friends considering they have a restaurant inside the zoo. The restaurant includes an outdoor patio and a rooftop terrace.
Since it's National Detroit-Style Pizza Day, Buddy's teamed up with other Detroit-style pizza shops across the country to donate a portion of sales to local charities.
In addition to that, Buddy's is serving up deals for customers in honor of their 75th anniversary. Stop by any one of their 19 locations and get a customer appreciation card which includes $7.50 off any 8-inch pizza, for every month until the end of the year.

While we love our local zoo, if you haven't been to the Detroit Zoo it's worth taking a day trip for considering there is so much to see such as (my favorite) the Polar Bear exhibit, one of the largest in North America.
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