If You’ve Spotted Some Unfamiliar Birds In Michigan This Might Be Why
I've never considered myself a bird-watching enthusiast, but I do enjoy chilling on my back porch and listening to the calming sounds of Chickadees chirping back and forth.
If you do the same then there's a good chance you've seen some unfamiliar birds hanging out with the Chickadees.
If You've Spotted Some Unfamiliar Birds In Michigan This Might Be Why
If you've spotted some unfamiliar birds in Michigan hanging with chickadees, it might be because they are friendly birds that flock together.
Chickadees are one of the most beloved birds in Michigan, and there are two species of chickadees in Michigan:
The Black-Capped Chickadee.
And The Boreal Chickadee.
These birds are often described as cute and friendly, and they are known for their distinctive calls and songs.
What Unfamiliar Birds Can Be Seen With Chickadees?
Juliet Berger, president of Washtenaw Audubon Society and an ornithologist with Ann Arbor’s Natural Area Preservation division Migratory Birds told Mlive:
birds such as Warblers will often seek out the company of chickadees while on their journeys south for the winter. For these feathered travelers, chickadees are a bit like helpful guides: They know their areas well, but unlike other local birds, they aren’t territorial.
Blackburnian Warblers
Cape May Warblers
Tennessee Warblers
Bay-breasted Warblers
Black-and-White Warblers
American Redstarts
Looks like I need to run out and buy some bird seed and see who shows up in my backyard.