What’s the best thing that happened to you this summer? – #TQOTD
Today on the show we asked the Click of Six how their summers have gone so far.
What’s the best thing that happened to you this summer?
- My priorities have definitely been realigned this past few months! This is Jamie by the way. I was diagnosed with Graves disease in February and then one month later in March diagnosed with breast cancer so I had to go through all of the treatment by myself because no one was allowed in the hospital with me. The best part is, I'm now cancer-free and feel amazing!
- I got engaged in July 4th. He knows I'm bad at remembering special dates so he made sure I wouldn't forget the date.
- Thankful for being laid off still, yes I want to go back and will when called. But, I got to spend my summer with my kids. My 13 yr old has had me as a working single mom for 10 years and to be able to have some time with her and my 9 month old has been a blessing.
- Lots of quiet time. I didn't have to work every Saturday so got my rest. Downside of this is no overtime pay.
- Camping , spending time with family.
- Many trips up north, caught my first huge lake trout on a charter fishing trip, and getting ready to close on a new house.
- I got engaged on July 4th
- Camping in Saint Ignace over July 4th
- While camping at Mackinaw the family rode bikes around town and we stopped to look at the bridge and ate at the place with the big hot dog on the roof. That whole day was a lot of fun for me to just enjoy family and my favorite place in the world!!
- This past summer I spent with my 2 teen guys..1 left for the Marines 4 days ago..the youngest a JR in HS ..got to them & friends better..lots of laughter and bon fires..
- After a 3 year long battle I was finally awarded disability. I have brain and pituitary damage from a brain tumor.
- We bought a new car and getting ready to close on our very first house! Super excited!! Enjoying lots of family time this summer. Not much vacation time.
- Not feeling guilty to have to be around less people and getting a pool so I don’t have to leave my yard.... priceless
- We are a high risk family because of our health so this summer sucked!
- Airfare was dirt cheap and I traveled my ass off.
- Selling my parents cabin. It's the final step before settling their estate. Its closing a heartbreaking chapter my siblings and I have had to deal with the past 2 years and with the anniversary coming up next month we hope to close it before then!!
- The boys (brothers) we’ve been working to adopt moved in with us and we are working on finalizing everything.
- This summer I discovered how beneficial meditation is. I began a daily practice in March when quarantine started....now 6 months later, I can definitely see the difference and benefits. I’m less bitter, less angry, less anxious, less worried, less grumpy, less moody, more confident, more peaceful, and my brain is more quiet—less wordy, less dialogue running through my head. Sometimes I realize I’m not really thinking at all. It is truly exercise for the brain.
- I adopted these guys from Harbor Humane Society at the end of June.
- I adopted a 14 year old beagle named Libby from the Silver Muzzle Cottage, an old/hospice dog rescue north of Kalkaska.
- We went to picture rock for the first time.
- Started weight watchers in June and I've lost 40lbs so far! Quit drinking too!
- West Virginia to meet my boyfriends family.
- I got to go spend a few days with family in MO. And I also went to CT. To meet my new granddaughter and see my grandsons for a week.
- We got married July 18th in Munising Michigan... Best day ever!!
- I bought a house!! My daughter and her family moved back from New Mexico and I’m going to be a grandma again!!!
- Tried for a long while and now expecting my first due in Dec.
- Got to go fishing every weekend
- Spending cocktail hour with my sister in law once a week or more if needed during this pandemic
- Dunkin released pumpkin spice early. ♀️ It's been a crappy summer. That's all I got.
- Met the love of my life!!
- Our rainbow. Baby was born
- We were able to do a beach day every week ☀️
- Having the granddaughters over. Priceless.
- My first grandchild was born
- Absolutely nothing
- I got to pick up my grandson from Oklahoma.
- I became a first time auntie to a beautiful niece
- New job driving semi
- Camping up north with my 2 girls.
- Getting engaged
- I got to spend it with my two girls
- I didn't get the Covid
- Got married
- Refinanced my home got that 1% interest with some money back to get a new roof. #Winning
- Best thing that happened this summer is we bought our summer home in Oden can't wait to start the remodel
- Best thing to happen to me this summer is getting pregnant!!
- The best thing that happened to me this summer is that I got a brand new car. First time I have bought new.
- We spent most our summer in the u.p at our cabin. I love the u.p so literally took quarentine and shut ourselves in up north.
- Favorite thing is my whole family. Husband 4 kids 7 grandkids and inlaws went camping and hiking in the up
- The best thing that happened to me this summer... 2 back surgeries in June! I haven't been able to move this good in over 10 years.
- Spending a week up north with my parents and going back to work! That seems odd but I was beyond ready to go back to work!
- Tqotd- we got our marriage license this summer! Getting married in less than 3 weeks now. Covid and weddings don’t mix well but I honestly can’t wait to marry by best friend.
- I met my biological father for the first time.... I'm 44!
- The best thing that happened this summer....we bought a small farm! And we are still within 10 minutes of our close friends and family instead of TN!
- TQOD: I bought a tiny house on the lake 1/2 mile from my house. I'm going to turn it into a VRBO. can't wait to start the rehab!
- I got a new job, and it’s one I actually love! And, even though getting up early is hard for me to do, my new hours mean I can catch the Connie & Fish show! By far the best way to start my day!
- We were still able to our "Family Camp" in July. (I have never missed a year since I've been alive)
- Had an Amazing Family reunion in August and got to see family from Colorado that I have not seen in 5 years! That was a wonderful weekend!
- Best thing(s) that happened this summer: bought our first house and impregnated my wife!
- My fwb's guy took me on his boat out in lake Michigan and I got a ride on his motorcycle and dinner out both times
- This summer I perfected 3 flavors of homemade bacon. Maple espresso, brown sugar paprika, and sriracha. It’s all amazing

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