Pay Attention: Here’s When Michigan’s New Distracted Driving Law Goes Into Effect
We all know you aren't supposed to text and drive, but a lot of us are guilty of doing it. After all, we're the exception to the rule and obviously not the problem.
But if that were actually true, distracted driving wouldn't result in almost 10% of fatal crashes in the US. And it's one of the most preventable types of accidents on our roadways
But, up until recently in Michigan it has been perfectly legal to drive around with your cell phone in hand, texting and scrolling. That's until Govenor Gretchen Whitmer signed a law this week that will soon allow police to pull you over if they catch you driving distracted.
What is Michigan's new Distracted Driving law?
The law signed this week will prohibit distracted driving on Michigan's roadways.
This means Michigan drivers who hold or use an electronic mobile device while operating a motor vehicle could face up to a $100 penalty for a first offense.
After that, the penalties get harsher. If you get a second ticket within two years, it could be an up-to-$250 penalty and a third offense would be an up-to-$250 penalty plus a requirement to take a driver's safety refreshment course.
Is it worth it to send that text message? Absolutely not. Just go hands free in your car, or send it before you go.
The law itself will go into effect in Michigan starting on June 30th. So, distracted drivers have a few more weeks to clean up their act before facing possible punishment.
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