An Unexpected Guest Shows Up At Your House, What Are You Most Embarrassed For Them To See? – #TQOTD
Knock, knock... Uh oh, it's your friend Sandy showing up uninvited. What embarrassing thing is she about to see?
If an unexpected guest showed up at your house right now … what would you be MOST embarrassed for them to see?
- I’d be embarrassed for them to hear the radio show I listen to. (Connie and Fish)
- #TQOTD If an unexpected guest showed up to our house, I'd be embarrassed for them to see the toilet my dad just blew up after eating spicy Thai food
- Not see, smell! We're roasting garlic in the oven right now. Extremely strong! Lol
- My coffee table! My coffee table always looks like it belongs in the he of a hoarder. The rest of the house is always fine to great, but that damn coffee table. Even when I clean it off and have it looking perfect, it's like I wake up the next day and all the junk made it's own way back.
- Our raccoons that hang out on the back deck.
- The fact that i washed all of my kids and my laundry but haven't bothered to fold or put any of it away
- Seeing all the meds and the smell of Lysol as we try to reclaim our health from Bronchitis and Upper Respiratory Infection 2 of the 4 of us have.
- The clutter on the kitchen table! Seems like it’s a catch all for everything
- In order to keep the dog off our brand new sofa we have it piled with kid toys and laundry baskets full of dirty clothes.... the sofa looks great minus all of the crap on top of it.
- Nothing. We just painted. Deep cleaned. I'm usually pretty clean & organized anyways. My carpet needs to be cleaned but I'm not terribly embarrassed about it.
- Last night it would of been My 40 yr old husband at the table building with Legos...our 6 year old walked away about 15 min ago....but dads still trying to help with the boat.
- My husband thinks the bar in the kitchen is his workspace even though he has a desk. ♀️
- The smell. I have a 6 year old boy. I have 2 cats. Yes my house is clean, and yes my litterbox is clean as well. But it still is smelly lol
- Nothing, I literally just cleaned my house and sat down with a Coors Light.
- Just cleaned the house today and an unexpected guest came over tonight so nothing.
- I wouldn’t be embarrassed about anything. I am who I am, take it or leave it. Besides you shouldn’t just show up at people’s house anyway!
- I am in my short PJs, not a pretty site.house a mess, phfttttt don’t care. lol oh and my left over dinner plate of spaghetti on the coffee table. Hey! What’s a girl suppose to do?
- Me in my leisure shorts, "white" tank top & no bra!
- Me. I have the cold or flu that's been going around. I look like death
- A locked door! No ones home! Too bad should have called first
- You take it or leave it at my place .. but my kitchen is my enemy for sure. Sink full of dirty dishes
- Um the condition of my house. Ugh!
- The toys all over the living room floor because my son likes to empty his toybox
- My kitchen, I hate doing dishes.
- All the damn cob webs up by the ceiling. I keep forgetting about them
- My bras air drying in my laundry room/mud room
- Me in my sweat pants? ♀️ lol the house is clean
- My dog humping his blanket. It is what it is at this point. Enjoy the ridiculousness.
- Its laundry day. Its everywhere... lol
- The dog hair in the corners
- Schweaty me … I just got back from the gym.
- I’m in my pjs with no bra on!
- I’m not wearing a bra. They’re just hanging free.
- Dog hair on the couch
- If they didn't call or message they get whatever they get
- My kitchen. The dishes never end and the table is a frickin catch all. Drives me insane!
- My kitchen table has so much clutter on it ♀️
- All the random dog hair tumble weeds hidden in the corners even though I just vacuumed two days ago!!!!
- Everything! My husband and I are remodeling our kitchen and living room so we have messes everywhere from the remodel to moving items so they arent in the way. Growing up with an OCD family it is killing me.
- TQOTD. See? Nothing really but smell? We have three cats and one of them is a stinkapotomaus
- We had guests show up unexpectedly last night and we were in our pjs watching 90 day fiance just a tad embarrassing
- TQOTD.. I'm always embarrassed that we have a million odds and ends projects to be done. My cupboards need a repaint, need trim, my bathroom is incredibly outdated, paint chipped off on my walls from my puppy... BUT my house is clean, ALWAYS deep cleaned and smells nice.
- I would be most embarrassed for ppl to see the amount of holes my dog dug while it was snowy outside and now that the snow is melting it's badddd oops lol
- Nothing! Yesterday I vacuumed, dusted, cleaned countertops and washed floors. It’s not this clean often, lol. So I’d love company right now to show it off. Have a great week! Love you guys!
- TQOTD: If the person didn't catch sight of the geekery in my room, I'd be most embarrassed by our family's kitchen. I clean it.. but my two brothers especially toss dishes in the sink so it piles up fast. They don't put things away much, and often put dishes in the sink because they don't even check the dishwasher.
- Bills, If someone walked in unexpected and saw all my bulls laid out, or walked in while I was doing bills, I would be beyond embarrassed. I don’t want people to see my debt, or credit card bills, medical bills, mortgage, anything. One thing no one needs to see about anyone else is their finances.
- All my BDSM gear in the closet. Especially the zipper mask. That would be hard to explain.
- My adult toy collection in my bedside nightstand.
- Probably a tiny karma sutra book with real people. Don’t know why I have it, but every time I go to get rid of it, I just push it further into the sock drawer.
- Not too embarrassing but there is a particular 'toy' charging in our bathroom
- My cross-dressing gear including my wedding gown
- TQOTD: Soooo.... It was Valentine's weekend and it was a really "busy" weekend if you know what I mean. There are "Private" items still scattered all over the house. On the wash machine, by the couch, of course in the bedroom and on the kitchen table. The neckties, blindfolds and handcuffs wouldn't embarrass me much but the more "kinky" stuff would make me blush for sure. #NotDeadYet #LiveYourBestLife #AnalBeadsAreSurprisinglyFun
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