Chonk Alert: These Michigan Squirrels Have Definitely Not Missed A Meal
Growing up my mom always told me you're not supposed to feed animals human food because it's not good for them. After looking at pictures posted online of some chonky squirrels on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor it definitely appears to be true.
The Reddit Ann Arbor thread had several users share pictures of squirrels that they were calling "chonky."
What Does Chonky Mean? says chonky animals are adorably round, plump, pudgy, or otherwise heavier than average. It was originally applied to fat cats but has since praised dogs, squirrels, otters, and even some humans.
What Type Of Squirrel Are These Chonks?
I didn't know this, but Michigan actually has nine different types of squirrels.
These chonky squirrels in Ann Arbor are Eastern Fox Squirrels.
In Michigan, fox squirrels feed on a variety of foods throughout the year. Spring foods are mainly tree buds and flowers, insects, bird eggs, and seeds of red maple, silver maple, and elms.
Summer foods include a variety of berries, plum and cherry pits, fruits of basswood, fruits of box elder, black oak acorns, hickory nuts, seeds of sugar and black maple, grains, insects, and unripe corn.
Fall foods consist mainly of acorns, hickory nuts, beechnuts, walnuts, butternuts, and hazelnuts.
Caches of acorns and hickory nuts are heavily used in winter.
Something tells me these chonky squirrels are not getting this big from only eating acorns and nuts.
Check out some of these Animals that you CAN and CAN'T legally own in Michigan.