As On-Campus COVID Cases Rise, Calvin University Issues Stay-Home Order
Calvin University isn’t playing around as they’ve seen an uptick in positive COVID-19 cases among their student population and in the letter they sent out to staff and students, they’re also calling out the lack of social distancing, the fact that people are unsafely social gathering and delaying in telling anyone that they’re experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, which is very unfortunate.
We have also seen evidence of failure by some to adhere to our health and safety guidelines, including delays in reporting COVID-like symptoms and illness, elevated numbers of close contacts because of social gatherings, failure to remain six feet apart, and ignoring occupancy limits in common spaces.
With that out there, Calvin officials have decided for the next 14 days to practice “enhanced physical distancing” that they expect students living on campus and around the city to practice. The order for the enhanced physical distancing went into effect at midnight last night (Monday, February 8th into Tuesday) and will last for the next 14 days. And like I said they’re not playing around.
In the letter they sent out, they’re asking all students and staff, regardless of where you live and socialize, not to gather with anyone outside of your “pod” or “bubble” both on and off-campus as well as changing a few things that happen on campus as well.
Dining halls will be open for takeout orders only, and food may not be consumed in the presence of others outside your immediate living pod (roommates)
Athletic activities are currently being evaluated on a team-by-team basis. Based upon patterns of test results, symptoms, and close contacts, some team activities have been suspended. The athletic director will communicate with each team to outline the plans for the next two weeks based on state regulations and MIAA protocols. Intramural activities will be paused until further notice and up to 14 days
All public seating areas in residence halls and campus buildings will be closed, including basements, lounges, reading rooms, and the seating area outside of Johnny’s
Students should have also gotten an email from their teachers talking about how their classes will work for the next two weeks as well, whether it’s in-person or remotely.
Calvin University's motto is “Think deeply, act justly, live wholeheartedly as Christ's agents of renewal in the world.” So I'm glad they've stepped up precautions, but also called out the bad behavior of students that have led to this 2-week action.
I feel like this is the perfect way to end this story, is with a reminder that Calvin University said in their letter (but works for all of us co-existing in a pandemic world):
We must reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community in order to persist in living and learning on campus together this semester.