Connie And Fish Listener’s Worst Gifts Of All Time
Today we asked listeners to text in the worst gifts they've ever received. It doesn't have to be a Christmas gift, it can be a gift from anyone at anytime. If you want to add to the list, post your worst gift in the comments!
So, here are the Connie and Fish listener's worst gifts of all time:
- The worst gift I received was Mother's Day, my husband got me a MIG welder because he needed one. So needless to say for Father's Day, he got diamond earrings
- My boyfriend was so excited to give me something silver and shiny and I've always wanted it. It turned out to be a really nice shower head. #disappointment
- Worst gift ...tennis shoes with velcro instead of laces when i was 13! And had to wear them
- My worst gift received...sample size of dish soap from my secret Santa this year
- A 10lb Hershey chocolate bar... from my Grandpa... I’m a type 1 Diabetic
- A wooden spoon from my boyfriend for Christmas last year.
- I got a rock 3 1/2 foot tall for my 14th Birthday from my Nana. Really I was only 14
- When my son was 2, he took his dirty pamper off and stuck it in a Tupperware container and gave it to me. The "gifts" inside tasted better than Hersheys chocolate
- Three yrs ago I got jeans. One leg was 2 inches shorter than the other. I complained, n my sister said, "nobody will notice".
- My mom gave my husband, boyfriend at the time, a package of underwear. It was the first time he meet my whole family!
- #worstgiftever Radiator hose and wiper blades!
- My co-workers mother in law gifted her a loaf of bread one year....
- My ex mother in law (who absolutely loved me, and this was not a joke gift) went on vacation to Italy and brought me back a pair of plain black socks. That was her souvenir gift to me. Not even made in Italy. Plain black socks. From vacation in Italy.
- I was given a waffle maker when I was 7 or 8. I don’t like waffles
- Worst present: For Christmas: A single flower bulb from my husband.
- A coffee mug with the wrong name on it.
- My worst gift was from my same aunt TWICE for 2 different occasions she gave me baking soda...wish i was joking.
- For a wedding gift I was given homemade pillow cases made out of Great Aunt Edna’s sweatshirt. Great Aunt Edna was dead.
- My worst gift from my then husband anti wrinkle eye cream. I was in my early 30s. He totally thought it was a great gift. Needless to say we are now divorced.
An SD card for my camera, which was great. Except it was wrapped in a jewelry box. Talk about disappointment! - Worst gift I ever got was when I was eight years old my mom invited my entire class from school to my house for a big birthday party and she had me unwrap a pack of panties in front of all of my friends I opened them started crying as I ran away and hid
- I got a teddy bear that said “$#!^ %!^*@ you is fine.” I know you can’t read that on air but I was like the hell?
- My name is Landon. I got a ten dollar bill for Christmas from my wife’s grandma and she put my name on it as Lamar. Who the hell is Lamar?! Lol
- First and LAST Christmas with a boyfriend was a picture of a heart necklace CUT OUT of Penney's catalog put in a jewelry gift box. Loser!
- I had just had my daughter 3 months before xmas my fiances aunt gave me a south beach diet book with a goodwill sticker on it
- Nose hair trimmer for Christmas at the age of 23. I'm NOT a hairy guy at all!!!!!
- Worst gift I ever received was from my husband of 17 years. He got me a 40DD grandma bra. I wear a 36B. He’s my ex now
- As a kid, I got an iou from my dad for a sleeping bag. Never got the sleeping bag, lol
- Worst Christmas gift ever - I got cat litter when I was 16. My parents told me it was for my “winter safety kit” in my car. Lmfao
- Worst present. I was 8 years old. Got 3 pk of blank VHS tapes.
- Last Christmas my period was very late and my boyfriend and I were afraid I was pregnant. His brother handed me a Victoria's Secret box which scared me but then I opened it and found a baby onesie that said "best nephew ever"
- Worst gift I ever received was a Shake Weight from my fiancée. It looks inappropriate when you use it and he thought that was hilarious
- I got a box of toilet paper rolls without toilet paper from my mother-in-law last Christmas and when I ask she said maybe you can make something
- For our wedding gift from my aunt we received a 10 pound round wheel of cheese Worth $150. The worst part is I’m lactose intolerant
- For a baby shower present I got a pack of condoms
- My husband bought me a pair of waiters (the kind you go duck hunting in) and I couldn’t pull them up over my ass. That same Christmas... I sat on my daughters woopie cushion and busted it. My family just loves this story me not so much
- #worstpresent was an engagement ring after I caught my ex cheating. Because he thought "hey! She doesn't want to be my girlfriend, maybe she wants to be my wife"
- one year when i was about 13 i was given a Macy's gift card that had $20 on it but when it was given to me it had $5.76.
- I️ received a brown paper bag with plastic hair clips in it from my grandma, when all the other grandkids got $75 gift cards. And I️ was the grandkid that took care of her year round.
- After over a year of dating, for my birthday, my boyfriend bought me a stuffed monkey who clapped symbols together, bounced up and down and played the Macarena. I hid it in my trunk and told my sorority sisters he hadn’t gotten me anything yet.
- I got ugly slippers re-gifted back to me from my sister-in-law. She's getting them back this year. Lol
- I received two of the same gift on my Birthday once
- Worst gift: 12 year old me received underwear for my birthday from my grandma. Opened it at my birthday party. In front of all of my friends.
- Toilet brush... Seriously
- A Rainbow Brite coloring book. I was 17 years old.😬
- The worst present I ever received was actually a continuous gift that I received my grandmother gave me porcelain dolls every year and I am petrified of dolls so I would put them up on the high high shelf so that way that they could fall and break if anything ever happened like they came alive to kill me Chuckie style
- My ex husband got me a bathroom scale for our 1st Christmas!
- A lot of times when you ordered stuff through the mail, you would get a free gift.... These ‘free gifts’ are not the highest of quality...... and most of the time, they never worked.....
- My grandma would always give us the ‘free watch’ and I would say, “grandma, it doesn’t work.” Her reply was always “that’s ok”
- My grandparents used to own a embroidery shop, and every year I would get a gift certificate to their shop... But little did they know I saved them all up and one year I got so mad and actually use them all... $300 worth, and then I donated the clothes
- Worst gift I’ve ever gotten was a checkers set with shot glasses for pieces... at my wedding shower
- One year my grandma got my parents and me and my 2 sister's those old school sweatshirts with the wolves and dogs screen pressed on. needless to say, those never even made it to the closet. #straighttogoodwill
- A toilet from my Husband but it got us on the Oprah show.....
- Hi it's Bonnie. Worst Christmas gift was a nicknac from my mother in law's basement.
- The worst present I've ever got was a toilet brush from my step dad and the worst part is he looked at me after I opened it and said go clean the bathroom😍
- A friend of mine was gifted a door. Apparently she didn’t have a bedroom door and they decided to wrap one up for Christmas.
- My aunt got me a little shrink wrapped pack of three batteries that said "Toy not included"... She thought she was really funny, I, being 10 didn't happen to agree!
- My boyfriends mom got me used drinking glasses and all the other girls got Victoria’s Secret gift cards.
- Worst present...I was 6 years old and all I wanted forever was a Snoopy Snow Cone Machine. My parents bought me a belt...I never did get my Snoopy Snow Cone machine
- Our Christmas party, i got roasted almonds, habenero bbq flavor, they were expired
- Good morning guys the worst Christmas gift I ever got was a 100 pack of toilet paper from my former employer I worked for them for 8 years and they bought me a 100 pack of toilet paper for Christmas and gave it to me at the annual work Christmas party I was instantly offended
- Worst present: toilet brush from my husband. He's an ex husband now
- Worst gift ever at 14I was given a bag with a used handmade fleece blanket with old lady floral print on it and an already written in babysitting handbook with nursery rhymes in it from my aunt LOL
- The worst gift that I ever received was feminine products for my 13th birthday
- A roll of paper towels wrapped and a bottle of Joy dishwashing soap because I have "joy joy joy joy down in my heart". From my mother in law
- Worst present I ever received was a chip clip
- Brass candlesticks for my wedding. From a young couple who was married 6 months before us. #regift #sougly
- A used candle
- For my birthday, one month after my daughter was born, my mother-in-law bought me a scale.
- My grandparents used to own a embroidery shop, and every year I would get a gift certificate to their shop... But little did they know I saved them all up and one year I got so mad and actually use them all... $300 worth, and then I donated the clothes
- My aunt gave me a card one year with a pamphlet for a fat camp and said she would pay for me to go...i made sure to eat an extra cookie that day
- One year my (ex) boyfriend bought me a box of condoms and a Simon & Garfunkel CD. It was over shortly after that.
- I once received a case of wine coolers that my boyfriend at the time has stolen from a liquor truck. Nothing like a minor crime to prove his affections!
- The worst gift i got was a box of half a donut, empty box of candy, and a cup that said 'today is not your day'.
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